How To Play
New card games can be intimidating, but Haste was designed to be easy to dive into. Below you will find a ‘How-To’ for getting started. You can use the links below to jump to the section you want to learn about:
In Haste, your deck is chosen by building your party. To enter a match, you choose a team of three from a roster of nine unique heroes. Each hero comes with a set of five cards/moves, so when you select your team, you’re choosing which cards get shuffled into your deck. To have a well-rounded party, it’s best to choose a hero from each of the three class roles:
Class Roles
Tank heroes Stalagg, Otto and Khurn are made for the front line. They are sturdy and have the highest health. Their moves are defensive, lowering damage or soaking it up. While it is wise to keep a Tank out front for protection, these heroes do not deal much damage and draw cards slowly.
Offensive heroes Garric, Lai and Amyth are the strikers. They draw cards quickly and their moves are powerful attacks. Despite being ferocious fighters, the DPS heroes can be fragile targets.
Support heroes Diam, Skrill and Lynx help keep your team alive. They can heal, trap the enemy, dispel unwanted effects and more. Unfortunately, Support heroes are often easy targets. It is wise to set up protections for your Support heroes when you can.
Playing Cards
When you start a battle, you will see your team of three heroes. The hero in front determines which cards can be played from your hand, including their unique hero cards and basic attack cards which can be played by any hero. If you aren’t sure which cards you can play, don’t worry! Playable cards are highlighted in your hand. You can read the card description for more information on what each card does.
When you hold a left-click on a card in your hand, one or more possible targets are highlighted. To play the card, drag-and-drop it onto one of the highlighted targets. Cards are played in real-time, and they take effect in the same order they are played.
The cards will have section with the ‘Action Point’ cost which prevent the hero from changing positions for a limited time.
During a match, the hero in front is the one in charge. Front-line heroes can take action but they are also vulnerable to attack. To change positions, simply drag a hero in the direction you want them to go. This will allow the hero to hop to that space. Be sure to switch up positions to allow injured heroes to recover and play cards from the whole team.
Action Points
Players can only move when they have all of their 6 Action Points (AP). The AP of the heroes can be read using the sides of the hexagon icon underneath them. When a player plays a card, the player expends AP listed. Until that AP is replenished, the hero is unable to hop to another position.
Card Types
In Haste, there are only a few types of cards. These include basic attack cards as well as “special” cards that will mix things up: Trap cards, Forge cards and Ultra cards.
Basic Attacks
Each player’s deck contains a bunch of basic attack cards. They come as ‘Light’ and ‘Heavy’.
Light Attacks - These cards have an orange attack icon. Light attacks result in temp health (explained in UI Layout below)
Heavy Attacks - These cards have a blue attack icon. Heavy attacks reduce a hero’s Health Points (explained in the UI Layout below)
Several heroes have a Trap card in their set. When you play a Trap card, a hidden ring of protection encircles your team. The trap is then triggered by the next enemy attack. Some Trap cards not only shield your team but also damage the attacker. Since the trap is hidden, your enemy won’t know about it until it’s too late. But don’t get too comfortable in your trap - there are other cards that can disarm them.
Forge Cards
Some cards have icons that appear as one part of a larger whole: these are Forge cards. Forging allows players to merge 2-3 similar cards into a single powered-up card. To Forge, click and drag one card onto another similar card.
The most common Forge is to merge basic attacks (these are attack cards which can be played by any hero). Since there are two types of basic attacks (light and heavy) and you can forge up to three together, there are 7 different basic attack combo cards that can be created.
Each hero also has a unique Forge card which can be combined with its duplicate.
Ultra Cards
All heroes have a signature Ultra card in their set which has ultra powerful effects. But to get the Ultra card, you must first fill the hero’s ‘Charge’ bar by keeping that hero on the front line. Once it’s full, the Ultra card is added to your hand.
UI Layout
HP Bar (A):
Health Points or HP (solid red): Indicates the health of the hero. Once it is depleted, the hero is destroyed.
Temp Health (transparent red): This temporary health is damage that can be recovered with rest. When a hero is pulled into the back line, Temp Health will gradually regenerate back into HP. If the hero is brought to the front again, any Temp Health disappears.
Guard Points (B):
Heroes will take less damage and more provisional damage while they have Guard Points (GP)
GP are removed when attacked, and will regenerate while a hero is held in the back line.
Charge Bar (C):
Bar gauge increases as the hero is out in front. Once it is full, the hero’s Ultra card is drawn into the player’s hand.
Hand (D):
The cards that are available to play. Hero cards are grouped together. Basic attack cards are also grouped together to the right.
Players start a match with 7 cards in hand.
Playable cards are highlighted. Heroes can only play their cards when they are in front.
AP Hex (E):
Hexagon sides track the hero’s Action Points.
Discard Pile (F):
A place to throw away cards in your hand to make room for new cards to be drawn.
Timer (G):
The match timer. When the time is almost up the game will enter sudden death mode!
Status Effects
Regeneration - When heroes are in the back line, they will slowly convert temporary health into HP and regain lost GP. Temporary health and GP progress is removed when a hero moves to the front.
Haste - Heroes with the ‘Haste’ attribute have increased regeneration and card draw rates.
Lightning - Attack damage with the lightning attribute cannot be regenerated and effectively remove GP.
Attack Up - Heroes with the ‘Attack Up’ attribute deal more damage.
Defense Up - Heroes with the ‘Defense Up’ attribute take less damage.
Freeze - Heroes afflicted will receive more damage on the next attack while frozen.
Poison - Heroes afflicted by poison lose health over time and cannot be healed.
Burn - Heroes afflicted by burn cannot regenerate Provisional Health or Guard Points.
Stun - Heroes afflicted by stun will not be able to perform any actions.
Tokens - Tokens are applied to a hero as an orbiting icon. After three tokens of the same type are applied, the effect is ‘triggered’.
Lightning Token - When triggered, the target take damage from a Lightning attack removing GP
Fire Token - When triggered, the target take damage causing Burn
Poison Token - When triggered, the target takes damage causing Poison
Ice Token - When triggered, the target takes damage causing Freeze
Drain Token - When triggered, the target will drain HP from the next attack they receive
Card Token - When triggered, the target will allow their next attacker to draw a card
Ultra Token - When triggered, the target will allow their next attack to gain Ultra charge
Quake Token - When triggered, the target take damage causing Stun
** If you find any bugs you can use the in-game bug report feature! Alternatively, visit our Discord where you can find our #known-bugs and #report-bugs sections **